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Tuna: Health Benefits And Side Effects

Predatory marine fish from the mackerel family is found in subtropical and temperate waters, preys on crustaceans, cephalopods and small fish. Tuna can be found in the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic Oceans, Mediterranean, Japanese and Black Seas. Together with a gastroenterologist, we understand the benefits and harms of tuna for the body.

The History Of Tuna In Nutrition

It is known that 2000 years ago the Phoenicians caught tuna in the Mediterranean Sea. The ancient Greeks, observing the hunt, named the fish thynō, which means “throw” or “throw”. Aristotle described this fish in the History of Animals, and Pliny recommended tuna dishes for the treatment of ulcers.

Attitudes towards tuna varied. In feudal Japan, it was said that “even cats despise him.” Most likely, the reason for the rejection was the risk of food poisoning. Warm-blooded fish spoiled rather quickly, so before the invention of refrigeration, they were often thrown away.

The Japanese now regard Bluefin tuna as the most valuable fish in the world. They carve it with the same reverence as the French prepare truffle dishes. In the middle of the last century, the annual tuna catch reached up to 1 million tons. After the appearance of “purse” nets, the global fishery increased to 4 million tons. As a result, some species of tuna are on the verge of extinction.

The Composition And Calorie Content Of Tuna

Calories per 100 grams 96 kcal
Squirrels 22.5 g
Fats 0.7 g
Carbohydrates 0

Tuna contains a lot of myoglobin, the meat is saturated with iron and has a red colour on the cut. Because of this, tuna is called “sea veal” and “sea chicken”.

Tuna is not inferior to veal in its parameters. It is an excellent source of vitamins A, D, C and group B, polyunsaturated fats Omega-3 and Omega-6. There is a lot of iodine, potassium, selenium in tuna.

Health Benefits Of Tuna

Tuna meat has a beneficial effect on the nervous system, has a beneficial effect on brain function and prevents the aging process, regulates blood pressure, increases immunity to various diseases and improves metabolism in the body.

Tuna meat has a positive effect on the heart and blood vessels. Tuna is good for the digestive system, strengthens bones and regulates blood sugar

The Side Effects Of Tuna

Tuna lives in those parts of the ocean where mercury is found. Unfortunately, when this fish is eaten, a person’s individual level of heavy metal increases, which can lead to cumulative poisoning. For this reason, eating tuna dishes is worth no more than twice a week.

When choosing, give preference to smaller fish, as large individuals can accumulate mercury and histamine. Canned tuna contains a lot of salt. If you eat too much of it, it can lead to swelling and high blood pressure. Due to the high protein content, tuna is classified as an allergenic food. It is not recommended for pregnant, lactating women and children under 3 years old.

The Use Of Tuna In Medicine

By itself, tuna is not a medicine, but it is prescribed for a lack of vitamins and minerals. Nutritionists advise eating tuna for obesity, because dishes from this fish suppress hunger.

It is highly recommended to add tuna to the diet for people who want to lose weight or build muscle. It has little fat, but a large amount of protein, which is necessary for our muscles.

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