Pickles & OlivesRecipes

How To Pickle Eggplants

How To Pickle Eggplants

Pickled Eggplant

Many appetisers garnish meals, including pickled eggplant, which is one of the most popular pickles among people. It contains many beneficial elements for the body because it contains large amounts of olive oil that are beneficial for the skin and the body, and the method of preparing it varies, Some It is prepared using walnuts, while others prepare it using garlic, parsley, and others. In this article, we will learn about two ways to prepare makdous.

Pickled Eggplant With Garlic And Parsley

The Ingredients

  1. A kilo of small eggplant.
  2. Two bunches of parsley.
  3. Four medium-sized green tomatoes.
  4. Ten large cloves of garlic.
  5. Two cups of pure olive oil.
  6. A tablespoon of table salt.
  7. Four grains of sweet green pepper.
  8. Pure water as needed.
  9. A tablespoon of hot sauce.
  10. Two hot peppers.
  11. A tablespoon of natural lemon juice.
  12. Two tablespoons of apple cider vinegar.
  13. Two tablespoons of white coarse sugar.
  14. A teaspoon of lemon salt.

How To Prepare

  1. We wash the eggplant with warm water, and here we can remove the top of the eggplant as desired.
  2. Put a large amount of pure water in a large and suitable saucepan and leave it on high heat until it boils.
  3. Add the washed eggplant to the boiling water and continue to stir until it changes color and becomes close to brown.
  4. Prepare the filling by cutting the tomatoes into small cubes, sweet pepper, hot pepper, parsley and garlic.
  5. Put a pinch of table salt and half a cup of pure olive oil into the vegetables and rub them well by hand.
  6. Open the eggplant with the knife from one end, and stuff it with the prepared filling mixture.
  7. Arrange the stuffed eggplant in a suitable, clean and sterilized jar, and put a cup and a half of olive oil on it.
  8. Put eight cups of pure water in a suitable bowl, add white vinegar, white sugar, lemon salt, and five tablespoons of salt, while continuing to stir the ingredients until the salt dissolves completely.
  9. Put two tablespoons of olive oil on the top of the jar.
  10. Put the jar from a warm place for at least a week.
  11. We put the pickled eggplant in the serving dish, and next to it many foods, including beans, okra and many others.

Pickled Eggplant With Walnut Filling

The Ingredients

  1. Two cups of walnuts.
  2. Five large garlic cloves.
  3. Half a kilo of pepper molasses.
  4. A cup of olive oil.

How To Prepare

  1. Cut the walnuts into small or medium-sized pieces, as desired, and garlic.
  2. Put the ingredients in a suitable bowl, add olive oil, pepper molasses and stir the ingredients together well.
  3. Stuff the boiled eggplant with this filling.

How to make Fried Pickled Eggplant Egyptian Recipe. Watch this video!

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